Is Something Better Coming Along?

My wife and I were traveling over the holidays.  We independently came to the observation that strangers seemed a bit more friendly, more courteous, and kinder than normal.  That we independently felt this way suggests to us that there is significance to the observation.

I’m not saying negative things about people in the past.  In fact, I think most folks are generally pretty kind, even when hassling with travel.  And that has been my experience. But things seemed to be up a notch.  

Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion is that "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”  My hypothesis and hope is that all the negativity we see in politics, in the media, and elsewhere is perhaps leading to the opposite reaction... namely where many will be inspired to treat each other with more kindness and courtesy.  

Maybe that is all we can do in response to all the hostility we see, but I think it is quite a lot.  The ripple effect of kindness and courtesy is so contagious and so powerful.  To me, it makes so much sense that many might respond this way to what is going on, and I find it hopeful and encouraging.  

The Pinchas Foundation